Upcoming Sessions

Book onto a session – we offer general horticultural sessions and nature based art and crafts sessions.

The Benefits of Learning Outside

Read about the benefits of being outside in nature!


If you want to help make our community garden a success you can donate here!

Plots and Pots for Veggies and Fruits

Get involved with planting and nurturing our fruit and vegetable plots and pots throughout the year. Learn about seeds, bulbs, feeding, what things need to grow and companion planting.

Wildflower Gardens

Help plant and maintain our wildflower gardens and help provide a wealth of pollen rich native wildflowers to encourage pollinating insects and bats into our garden. Learn about cross pollination and observe pollinators busy doing their daily duties.

Wildlife Container Ponds

Help monitor our wildlife container ponds. Investigate the wildlife that inhabits the pots and help with planting and maintaining a healthy pond environment.

Wildlife Stations

Get your make on building and creating wildlife stations around the site. Maintain and top up bird baths, water sources, feeders and wildlife houses creating a haven for wildlife that you can observe and identify.

Art and Craft Sessions

As soon as we have a suitable area to carry out arts and crafts we will be hosting nature based sessions creating art from and around nature, get crafty building bird boxes, hedgehog houses, bird feeders, scarecrows, wind chimes and much more.

Future Plans

Our long term plan will see the introduction of Bantum chickens and rabbits. Learn how to care for these animals, learn about their needs and maintenance of both housing and animals. Take home free range eggs and see if you can taste the difference.